Thursday, February 21, 2019

Bearing Witness to the Light LXXV...Center of the Sun

J.M.J. + O.B.T. + M.G.R.*

Light from Light
a look at nuclear fusion
occurring in the center
of the Sun

What a great way to be made aware
of the gifting of everything from
the Father to the Son.

The great gift of
having the Son of God share
in human existence
when He became Jesus Christ
is reinforced on a practical
level when we consider
how the sun's ultraviolet rays
journey 93 million miles
to us, pierce our skin
and trigger the creation
 of the Vitamin D3
that is so critical
to our health and well-being.
(both mental and physical)

The Catechism of the Catholic Church

344 There is a solidarity among all creatures arising from the fact that all have the same Creator and are all ordered to his glory: May you be praised, O Lord, in all your creatures, especially brother sun, by whom you give us light for the day; he is beautiful, radiating great splendour, and offering us a symbol of you, the Most High...

Brother Sun
watches over us;
a dim reflection of
what Brother Son does.

Sincerely yours
in Jesus through Mary,
Mike Rizzio

Imitate Mary
Become like Jesus
Live for the Triune God

Seek the Light of Our Lord Jesus Christ
See you on the High Ground!

* - J.M.J. + O.B.T. + M.G.R. stands for:
Jesus, Mary and Joseph;
O Beata Trinitas;
St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael

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