Every year on Holy Saturday, the day before the celebration of Easter Sunday, an unlit blue fire
from a stone in the Church descends from the dome and ignites a candle
held by the Greek Patriarch who passes it around to
other clergymen.The Holy Fire phenomenon was first witnessed in the 9th
century AD, and has been one of the longest-running Orthodox traditions.
Joshua Coleman is onto something here. Ponder his wordsdeeply.
The only way to break
the bonds of an “absolute future” eschatology is through a present
participation in the eschaton. This not only means the physical presence of the
Eucharist, but also the Divine Energeia that continually enter creation,
making it possible to love this world for its own sake without being of this
world. In fact, it is the only possibility to fully love at all. If God does
not perpetually participate in creation, and it is the goal of humans to
assimilate in order to commune with God outside creation in the absolute
future, all distinct variations (particularly physical, but not only those)
within the present person should vanish, leaving us unconcerned and
coldly objective to one another and this present life.
Furthermore, without DivineEnergeia filling creation, the difference between those who have access
to the Sacraments and those who do not becomes destructively absolute. There
would no longer be levels to communion, but a black and white split between
those “in” and “out.” The compassion of a God who continually enters all of
creation is radically different from one who is isolated only through the
earthly Church, even if it has access to the highest levels of communion with
the mystical Church. The point, however, is that the mystical Church is
everywhere, despite the difficulty of gaining access and the need for an
earthly Church in a fallen world. The mystical Church can be accessed and Divine
Energeia received toward real and present transformation in the polis through the compassionate, indwelling God.
+ + +
In a nutshell,
The Holy Eucharist is the prime reality,
and through His Real Presense
Jesus' energeia
is accessable
to all.
Sincerely yours in Jesus through Mary, Mike Rizzio
Imitate Mary Become like Jesus Live for the Triune God
Seek the Light of Our Lord Jesus Christ See you on the High Ground!
* - J.M.J. + O.B.T. + M.G.R. stands for: Jesus, Mary and Joseph; O Beata Trinitas; St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael
Ecclesiasticus 43:11 Look upon the rainbow, and bless him that made it: it is very beautiful in its brightness. It encompasseth the heaven about with the circle of its glory, the hands of the most High have displayed it.
A Sacred Oath of Fatherhood and Kinship
Analogous to the Most Holy Trinity
Jesus Christ – Lord of the Rainbow
Jesus Christ – Lord of the Covenant
If we raise it, He might come!
The Divine Dance – Perichoresis
In a Joint Encyclical, Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis write:
Triune Truth?
The Truth that must be handled
"Breathing with Both Lungs" reveals the Truth about E=mc2
The genesis of this blog was the Reflecting Pool Project. It is still alive in my heart and I hope to get some version of it published before too long.
For Our Lady
< T O T U S T U U S >
Rainbow in the Clouds
The New Evangelization
Cross His Heart, and hope to live!
A Poem to Ponder...
Drawn and Quartered by Mike Rizzio
Four chambers, but one purpose, Four Gospels live to tell, A Sacred Heart, so wounded, A lance launched straight from hell.
Our brokenness, bloodletting, True Mystics judged insane, King Science, throne ascending, To deaden all our pain.
Four riders, on four horses, Steeds rearing for a treat, Our corpse, nears rigor mortis, For Art not Science meet.
But wait...a ray of His Glorious Sonshine...
One part—sacred theology, One part—mystic sight, One part—true science, One part—creative light.
...and if ever two lungs breathed forth, East-West, air that is sweet, Aloft they'll send His Body, Heartbeat, Heartbeat, Heartbeat.
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