J.M.J. + O.B.T. + M.G.R.*
Pope Benedict XVI:
On the Eucharist and Love
"Source of the Spiritual energy that Renews Our Life"
CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy, (Sep 25, 2005) Our response to his love therefore must be concrete, and must be expressed in a genuine conversion to love, in forgiveness, in reciprocal acceptance and in attention for the needs of all. Many and varied are the forms of service that we can offer our neighbor in everyday life, if we pay a little attention. The Eucharist becomes in this way the source of the spiritual energy that renews our life every day and, in this way, renews the love of Christ to the world.
From the Holy Father's first encyclical Deus Caritas Est, God is Love (Dec 2005) concerning the Church's role in social justice: "She has to play her part through rational argument and she has to reawaken the spiritual energy without which justice, which always demands sacrifice, cannot prevail and prosper."
Before closing his Sunday Angelus (Feb 25, 2007), the Pope reminded all those gathered in the piazza that "the indispensable spiritual energy required to establish peace and happiness can only be obtained from this source [Christ]."
On April 2, 2008, Pope Benedict XVI while celebrating Mass in St. Peter's Square to commemorate the third anniversary of John Paul's death recalled his mentor's devotion to the Blessed Sacrament in his homily: "The Mass—as he often said—was for him the focal point of every day and of his entire life. The "living and holy" reality of the Eucharist gave him the spiritual energy to guide the People of God along the path of history."
At special dedication Mass at Albano, Italy Pope Benedict spoke the following words: "Therefore, the love of Christ, the love that will never end, is the spiritual energy that unites those who participate in the same sacrifice and are nourished by the one bread broken for the salvation of the world."
The theme of World Mission Sunday, to be held Oct. 24, is "Eucharist and Mission," two realities that are "inseparable," as the Pope points out in his message, recalling key concepts of his 2003 encyclical "Ecclesia de Eucharistia."
In that encyclical, the Holy Father says that "the Eucharist builds the Church and the Church makes the Eucharist" noting "how the mission of the Church is a continuity of the mission of Christ and draws spiritual energy from communion with his Body and Blood."
Indeed, "the goal of the Eucharist is precisely, 'the communion of mankind with Christ and, in him, with the Father and with the Holy Spirit,'" he writes in his message for Mission Sunday.
Finally, in this reflection on the significance and missionary content of the Eucharist we must not forget the martyrs, those unique "missionaries" and witnesses of the faith and love of Christ. The relics of the martyrs have from antiquity been placed under the altars, where the memorial of the "victim sacrificed for our reconciliation" is celebrated. They are a clear sign of the vigor that emanates from Christ's sacrifice. This spiritual energy conducts those for whom the Lord's body is food to offer their own lives for Him and for the brethren in the total gift of self, to the point, if necessary, of shedding one's blood.
Pope John Paul II - to Miloslav Cardinal Vlk, Archbishop of Prague, and members of Focolare - February 19, 2005
"With ever-living ardor, contemplate Christ in the mystery of the Eucharist.
Following His example, be ready in all circumstances to make yourselves instruments of mercy and communion. The secret of pastoral success is the crucified and risen Lord, Whom we adore in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. As you well know, in order to be eloquent signs of His love and instigators of His peace in all environments, everyone is first of all asked to cultivate an intimate and constant familiarity with Him. From intense participation in the Eucharist springs the spiritual energy needed to bring all projects of goodness to fruition."
The origins of the Eucharistic prayers and actions derive of course from Jesus' Last Supper, celebrated with the apostles on the night before He died.
But this ritual in turn was rooted in Jewish customs from the Old Testament. The unleavened bread eaten at each Passover feast commemorates the Jewish exodus from Egypt. We also remember the manna the Jews received to sustain them in the desert. We recall too the priest Melchisedec from the first book of the Bible offering bread and wine (Genesis 14. 17- 20).
But there would have been no point to the Last Supper on Holy Thursday without Jesus' death on Good Friday.
In faith we are celebrating the death of the Lord until He comes again. The power of the universe has acted through His Son, the sacrificial Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. It is this gaining of salvation through Jesus' unique sacrifice that we commemorate in every Mass.
But we also look forward because Holy Communion is what St Ignatius of Antioch, who was martyred in the Colosseum in 107AD, called "the medicine of immortality". Holy Communion in particular, and all the sacraments, give us the spiritual energy or grace to enjoy happiness after death. In fact the Eucharist is a foretaste of the heavenly banquet to come.
Sunday Mass then emerges in clearer light, as does the parish as a Eucharistic community. We also ask ourselves what place the Holy Eucharist has in the day and week for each of us and how we learn from Christ to offer ourselves. The Holy Eucharist supplies us with the spiritual energy for the apostolate. It punctuates the major milestones in our personal and community life, and is with us at the evening of our earthly pilgrimage.
If you have a misselette or have access to a Sacramentary, locate and read the section for the Offertory and Eucharist prayers. Pause between words and phrases to capture the beauty and meaning of the words. The next time you participate in the Mass, remember this reflection and discover a new spiritual energy flowing through you.
The Eucharistic year is a year of grace given to us to strengthen our faith, to refresh our souls and to draw new spiritual energy. But, above all, it should be a bright spark for a renewed missionary enthusiasm with the awareness that to celebrate Eucharist signifies to announce Christ and to make Him present in the lives of people.
These, then, are our three needs with regard to sanctifying grace: firstly, that we preserve it permanently; secondly, that we recover it immediately if we have lost it by mortal sin; thirdly, that we seek to grow in sanctifying grace with an eagerness that sees the sky as the limit.
Now none of these three things is easy to do. In fact, by our human wisdom and strength alone, none of these three things is even possible. That is why sanctifying grace is preceded by and accompanied by a whole train of special helps from God. We call these special helps actual graces. An actual grace is a momentary, transient impulse, a spurt of spiritual energy with which God touches the soul. They are divine impulses that move us to judge what is right and to do what is good.
Without God’s help we cannot succeed in getting to heaven. The story of grace is as simple as that. Without sanctifying grace we are not capable of the beatific vision. Without actual grace we are not capable of receiving sanctifying grace in the first place. Without actual grace we are not capable of remaining for any long period in the state of sanctifying grace. Without actual grace we cannot recover sanctifying grace if we should lose it.
"Spiritual Energy"
My Dear People,
Prayer and Service are the Keys
Ever feel like the Lord seldom hears your prayers? Elijah, the prophet, felt that way. In our first reading today, we find the prophet exhausted from prayer and service of the Lord. He falls asleep under a desert tree. While resting, an Angel of the Lord awakens him. God's messenger brings a hearth cake and a jug of water for nourishment. Elijah was too exhausted to eat. He fell asleep again. The Angels stirs Elijah after his rest. Elijah then walked for forty days and forty nights.
Then, he prayed. Strengthen by the Lord, Elijah served the Lord with all his heart. Like Elijah, we too need to be strengthened by the Lord. Prayer and service keeps us on track. When we fail to pray, we run out of "spiritual energy". Only Our Lord, can refuel the souls. Take the time to relax, pray, and refuel with the Lord. If you have not yet visited our Adoration Chapel, make time to spend time praying and praising the Lord each week. Entrusting you to the care of Our Lady,
Fr. Mark
By sharing in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, may we find the strength and courage to make our own sacrifices to build up our church, and provide faith for the future.
From the beginning, the Eucharistic service, and chiefly the great prayer of Transubstantiation, the Eucharist proper, had the character of an 'action.' In fact, it was very often called 'actio,' and the corresponding verb was 'to make,' 'to do.' We even find the formulation: 'to make the Passion and the Resurrection of Christ.' Christ's word at the Last Supper, 'do this' was understood in a deeper sense. It was not only that the ceremony of Holy Thursday was to be repeated, but that the whole event of Golgotha—Passion as well as Resurrection and Ascension—was to be brought to life anew. In the Eucharist Christ's central deed of redemption became actual and alive.
Divine providence arranged it in such a way, that it was really a constructive aid, able to arouse the utmost spiritual energy of the one to be helped. Christ's redeeming deed does not work automatically. It cannot make us holy without our conscious and willing participation. Such an automatic salvation would certainly spare mankind all its tragedies, but it would destroy man's freedom and dignity. Christ's deed has been so fashioned that it remains a dormant potentiality as long as it is not made effective and active by man's free agreement and cooperation. Man is supposed to do something in order to release the full divine energy of this deed. Without man's response it remains a latent possibility. When man responds, he becomes sensitive to the spiritual emanations welling forth from Christ's deed.
Every time I have said these words before receiving Holy Communion, I’ve always wondered about the significance of them. Being a healing professional, this aspect of the Holy Eucharist was always of particular interest to me.
My faith is spiritual energy (substance) that is reality in heaven, which will be transformed into physical reality on this earth in answer to my prayer of hope. We say “Our Father who art in Heaven, ……, thy Kingdom come, thy Will be done, on earth as it is in heaven…..”. God’s Will for us already exists in heaven. When we have faith, we allow God’s Will to become substance and reality in our lives.
The members of Holy Spirit Catholic Church are a community of faithful followers of Jesus Christ, who derive their strength and spiritual energy from the Eucharist and other Sacraments. We allow ourselves to be formed and molded by the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Blessed Trinity. We strive to live and abide by the "Spirit of Wisdom, Spirit of Understanding, Spirit of Good Counsel, Spirit of Fortitude, Spirit of Knowledge, Spirit of Piety and Spirit of Fear of the Lord." We are committed to the service of God through our neighbors in our solidarity with the poor and needy by our involvement in various ministries.
Let us pray for this tremendous grace to hunger and thirst for Holy Communion. It is precisely in receiving Our Lord in Holy Communion that our hunger for God grows and intensifies. The more we receive Holy Communion the more we will love Jesus, and the more we love Jesus the more we will desire to receive Holy Communion. Does not our Holy Father refer to the Eucharist as the Sacrament of Love? What better way to return our love to Him who has so loved us as to become Food for our souls? What better way to grow in charity towards our neighbor than to be united with all those to whom Christ gives Himself in Holy Communion (SC). Numerous are the benefits of receiving Holy Communion. The following are just a few benefits to inspire greater zeal:
1. Holy Communion is a personal visit of Jesus, Author of all spiritual energy and of all holiness
"Could I but make known to all souls the loving sentiments with which My Heart overflowed at My Last Supper, when I instituted the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist...! ...How many souls who had been enfeebled by sin and the violence of passion would come back to their allegiance and recover their spiritual energy by partaking of this Bread of the strong!”
The Holy Eucharist literally exists on the intersection between the Earth and the Heavens. As a column of fire and light it connects the forces of the earth and those of the sun as a channel for richly imbued spiritual energy. In executing the ritual of the Holy Eucharist the cosmic energies are activated and bundled. Amongst others, these immense sources contain "prana", the vitality of the sun, "fohat", the cosmic electricity of the Divine Will and "kundalini", the creative fire. An aspect of the generation of this field of transformation is the path through the rainbow bridge of the chakras of those present. The goal is the formation of suitable channels for the distribution of these powers in the world.
Sincerely yours in Jesus and Mary,
Mike Rizzio
Imitate Mary
Become like Jesus
Live for the Triune God
Seek the Light of Our Lord Jesus Christ
See you on the High Ground!
* - J.M.J. + O.B.T. + M.G.R. stands for:
Jesus, Mary and Joseph;
O Beata Trinitas;
St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael
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