Silver Anniversary Truth be Told

Twenty five years ago media moguls of Hollywood presented the movie going public with a veiled gift, a key to ultimate reality...a demonstration of the Light, Life and Love of a Father God to humankind, through His chosen people, a manifestation of Divine Action that conquers sin and death.
a blockbuster, a starmaker, a $$$ machine
Spielberg, Lucas, and Ford used the Sacred Bible
and a prefigurement of the Truth that sets us free
to captivate and entertain us—to hook us...
Think about it.
In that summer of 1981 the lost Old Testament Ark of the Covenant was found. Revealed the world over (at least in celluloid) it demonstrated its mysterious, real power for the first time in over 2,500 years.
Marshall McLuhan's famous "the media is the message" or was it "the media is the massage?"— the jury is still out as to what he really meant, but regardless of which way you take it, the mass media can function as a mind altering drug that clearly impacts our day and age. It is antithetical to real life and real relational dynamics.
Experience something, some person, place, thing or event virtually and you have been there–done that, no big deal, you've had your fix, or been fixed in place.
The mass media is a nerve center for the "dictatorship of relativism" for it is precisely where absolutes are ignored, where reality and fantasy are confused, where canned "reality TV" and tabloid "journalism" reign supreme. Thank God for EWTN....a beacon, a ray of hope.
Truth is now a strange, foreign concept to the average Westerner and the the source and summit of Eucharist, the True Center of Life, Real Truth, a Person, Our Lord Jesus Christ is ignored or blasphemed. This Blessed Sacrament is no longer believed, for now as just another "sign" it has been moved from the center of Church, to "its" place in some dark corner. Jesus surely weeps.
The Blessed Mother of God...the real Ark of the New and Everlasting Covenant waits for us to come to our "senses."
Unless we seek the Truth and breathe forth the Light, Life and Love of the Most Holy Trinity— communicating this ultimate Truth in charity to the world—we have little hope...
Beirut, "Paris of the Middle East", a Second City of Light is also now under seize.
Our Lady of Lebanon is witnessing the Maronite Catholic mass exodus about to happen.
She must be weeping too...Cana the scene of her Son's first miracle and first step toward Calvary is being bombed. ---> Our Lady of Lebanon, Harissa ---> Maronite mass exodus from Lebanon ---> Chaldean mass exodus from Iraq
and receive Jesus in the Holy Eucharist...daily, while we are still able
darkness may be moving to blanket and suffocate the globe
yet we have His Light to guide us to His Eternal Light
We must be a constant witness,
a candle set high upon a hill.
Become like Jesus
Live for the Triune God
Seek the Light of Our Lord Jesus Christ!
See you on the High Ground!
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