Tuesday, October 13, 2015

St. Faustina, Pray for Us!

J.M.J. + O.B.T. + M.G.R.*

“On one occasion I was reflecting
on the Holy Trinity... I saw an
inaccessible light, and in this light
what appeared like three sources
of light.” (Diary 30)

Jesus said to St. Faustina:
“Chosen souls are, in My hand,
lights which I cast
into the darkness of the world
and with which I illuminate it.
As stars illumine the night,
so chosen souls illumine the earth.
And the more perfect a soul is, the
stronger and the more far-reaching
is the light shed by it. It can be
hidden and unknown,
even to those closest to it,
and yet its holiness is reflected
in souls even to the most distant
extremities of the world.”

I wonder if what this humble saint
from Poland saw looked like this

Image result for light life love

Sincerely yours in Jesus through Mary,
Mike Rizzio

Imitate Mary
Become like Jesus
Live for the Triune God

Seek the Light of Our Lord Jesus Christ
See you on the High Ground!

* - J.M.J. + O.B.T. + M.G.R. stands for:
Jesus, Mary and Joseph;
O Beata Trinitas;
St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael

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