Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Jesus is the Word, Mary is the Holy Scroll

J.M.J. + O.B.T. + M.G.R.*

At morning Mass this past Monday we heard a simple elegant sermon that really hit home.

Fr. Glenn related to us an "awe-filled" moment that he had during Saturday's Day of Recollection when he considered that Jesus the Word made flesh contained in the womb of Mary is ANALOGOUS to the revealled written Word contained in the Holy Scroll, the Bible, the vessel for the Eternal Truth.

Now why didn't I ever think of this...or did I?

Hmmm? In my reflection I saw something too...

Why was it that the Church was so protective of the translation and custody of the Holy Word in the Bible?

Why was Sacred Scripture so reverenced in the monastery, so richly adorned, so cherished?

Why is it that when the deacon carries the Good Book aloft before the proclamation of the Gospel at Holy Mass we are in a timeless state, with incense and song and holy praise?

Well, when we equate Scroll/Bible with the Blessed Virgin Mary we see in her the fulfilled extention of the Old Testament Ark of the Covenant—it all fits together so beautifully, so blessedly.

Oh, so that is why at the time of the Protestant Reformation (Deformation, in all reality) we see that the Bible is VIOLATED, and at the same time Mary is removed from her exalted place as Mother of God and humanity's solitary boast.

"Our tainted nature's solitary boast" was how William Wordsworth spoke of Mary, the perfect creation of Almighty God.

As the "questionable books" were removed from the Canon of Holy Scripture and translations multiplied we see how the unravelling took on a life of its own. Unity was destroyed and plurality became a spectacle for human creative endeavor. (Thomas Jefferson's Bible is something to a human being can have the hubris to try to outdo Almighty God is beyond me.)

Mary is the TRUE Statue of Liberty (properly understood). All human constructs, especially those claiming "Enlightenment" are must be held suspect.
Sorry Miss Liberty, but you cannot hold a candle to her.


Well, if true liberty came to the Israelites after the Crossing of the Red Sea, we see a prefigurement in the water itself, the separation of the waters into walls, as if they were suspended vertically aloft by the angels. Mercy came to the Israelites, Justice to the pursuing Egyptian Army. To go through the covenant process is to SEVEN (to literally walk through the split open carcass of the slain animal sacrifice) and seal the blood oath. This PASSOVER rite was extended to the Red Sea crossing and at Mt. Sinai when the the two tablets were written by the Finger of God (Holy Spirit) we see the type moving toward fulfillment. The Word became matter in the tablets of the Covenant. The stone tablets (and the manna (bread of life), and Aaron's budding staff (fruitfulness) were destined to be housed in an ark........that wonderfully constructed, LIGHT BEARING Ark.

Mary is the end state, the fulfillment of the revellation of God's Holy Ark. Jesus is the end state (OMEGA) of the revellation of God's New and Everlasting Covenant. She is LIGHT BEARING and powerfully clothed with her Sun.

It is all so simple, so rich and so beautiful...

As I sit at a computer here at a Comfort Inn in Merriam, Kansas (my family is on a trek north to my wife's Iowa, for Christmas with Grandma) I am in awe of God's handiwork, of God's handmaid.

I want to thank all of you who return to this site, especially you from South Dakota and Plano, TX. I may never know how you are, but if I didn't get the meager 12-15 visits a day, I might be tempted to stop posting all together.

God be with all of you, this holiday season.

Peace on Earth!

Sincerely yours in Jesus and Mary,
Mike Rizzio, SOLT

Imitate Mary
Become like Jesus
Live for the Triune God

Seek the Light of Our Lord Jesus Christ
See you on the High Ground!

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and see what I have been compelled to work on since 2004.

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* - J.M.J. + O.B.T. + M.G.R. stands for: Jesus, Mary and Joseph;
O Beata Trinitas; St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael

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