Sunday, January 07, 2007

A Heartfelt Epiphany of Light, Life and Love

J.M.J. + O.B.T.
Dear Readers:
I have taken a long hard look at this blog undertaking and other avenues that are available on the internet and still come to the conclusion that I must continue trying to reach out to connect with that unknown person whom God in his mysterious providence desires to work with the ideas that I hold near and dear.
All attempts so far seem to fallen short, but I must persevere, to follow His star so that I might complete my life's journey.
E=mc2 seems to be a great gift for it connects the "BIG BANG" to the SUN to the ANNUNCIATION to the TRANSFIGURATION to the EUCHARIST to the CROSS to the RESURRECTION to GUADALUPE and FATIMA to the ever present reality of NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST that threatens to end human time and usher in ETERNITY.
To understand this requires just a little effort, but the potential is enormous. We Catholics have a strong case to present to the world for if E=mc2 is true and if the spiritual dimension of this reality finds its source in the person of Our Lord Jesus Christ, then Christianity has to be the fullness of truth and not some hoax perpetrated upon a naive and gullible mankind.
But I must continue to ask, "Can't anyone besides me see this?"
Pope Benedict XVI seems to be tracking. I only wish I was granted an audience with the Holy Father to explain the import of this to him. Every action of his pontificate indicates that he shares the belief that we must expend every effort to BRIDGE the faith-reason/science divide NOW before it is too late. We must seek the TRUTH, which is the LIGHT of Christ.
If anyone with the means to help reads this in cyberland, please take it as a sign that God wishes you to collaborate in this effort.
There are various slides that support this paper at
My e-mail is
I can be reached by phone at 361-563-2602
May the Almighty and Everliving God grant you three presents this Feast of the Epiphany, LIGHT, LIFE and LOVE from the Eucharistic heart of Emmanuel...GOD WITH US.
Sincerely yours in Jesus and Mary,
Mike Rizzio, SOLT
Imitate Mary, Become like Jesus, Live for the Triune God

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